के लिए कंपनियों का मालिकाना हक Ruffer LLP

कंपनी शेयर करना, %
Galiano Gold Inc. Galiano Gold Inc. 10.4
Centerra Gold Inc. 3.9
Skeena Resources Limited 2.81
Kinross Gold Kinross Gold 1.63
GoldMining Inc. GoldMining Inc. 1.25
Barclays 1.18
Integra Resources Corp. Integra Resources Corp. 1.08
Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. 1
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group The Royal Bank of Scotland Group 0.65
Aegion Corporation Aegion Corporation 0.41
Ambev S.A. 0.33
Olam International Limited Olam International Limited 0.16
Sinopec Sinopec 0.05